what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

if you want to know more about me just ask. don't worry, i won't bite

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I don't understand

*start rant

why are gasoline companies allowed to raise the price of gas over $.20 in one day on the fears something might happen? they didn't pay that much for the gas that i am pumping. they might pay more for gas they are buying right then and there but not what i am putting in my tank. i wish the goverment would do something to stop these companies from ripping off everyone in America! seriously. how can you raise prices that much and make a multi billion dollar profit and say nothing is wrong? they are all jerks. i guess this is why i am terible at politics. :)

*end rant

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

just saying hi

hello all. i don't really have much to say but i thought i would stop in for a bit. i hope everyone is doing ok.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Not meant to be

well..i tried. i was thinking about high school and how i have only talked to 3 people from my class since graduation day. so today i thought, " hmm...i am going to try and email someone". so i got an email address from the website, carefully thought out what i wanted to say, and about 15min later i hit send. i took a deep sigh after hitting that button. then i realized i had an email in my inbox. so i click on the inbox and it is a MAILER DAEMON saying that my message couldn't be delivered. i guess i wasn't supposed to send that email.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i think i need to lay off the mt. dew. monday and tuesday i drank 2 20oz mt. dews and i felt even more tired than when i drank only one. today i haven't drank any and i feel just fine. in fact, i think sodas in general make me feel more tired. if i drink water for a week or two i feel great! that's it. nothing really important. i hope everyone is doing good.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Just got back

i just ( about 20min ago ) got back from the John Mayer concert. it was pretty good. i really liked it when he would just jam on the guitar. one of the best things to do at concerts is to watch the people around you. there was this one chick dancing about 10 feet in front of us. SHE WAS TERRIBLE! getting out of the parking lot was a breeze. i think i was "stuck" in traffic for about 3 minutes....if that. overall it was a great time ( with great people to talk to ). i really hope this concert will help get more ( good ) bands in Murray. well, i am off to go play some video games and wind down.

ps it is really funny how somethings turn out in life. i might explain more later...maybe not.


Why are you looking that way when i am right here? Why can't you see me? Maybe you aren't supposed to see me today. Maybe you aren't ever supposed to see me. I will just have to be happy that i can see you.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

You have to take the good with the bad

Good - Snow
Bad - driving on snow

Good - playing my online video games and actually meeting new people
Bad - you sit inside being anti social to the immediate world around you

Good - Expanding your music likes and listening to new stuff
Bad - hard to listen to all the stuff you have

G00d - Getting promoted at work
Bad - promotions always lead to more work and drama

Good - Having a few close friends you can trust and rely on
Bad - when you loose a good friend it hurts more because you don't have as many

Good - Ice cream...all kinds
Bad - to much ice cream makes my belly get big

Good - Going to an all guys high school where you couldn't get distracted by girls
Bad - no girls to distract you at an all guys high school

Good - Being average means you don't stand out and draw attention to yourself
Bad - nobody notices you when you are not around

Good - good things are just good :)
Bad - if we didn't have the bad, we wouldn't realize how good the good things actually were.

if anybody has some to add feel free

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lost in typing

it is simply amazing how much you can say with one look. how much information you can pass with a simple facial expression. i love to watch people and look at their faces. it is fun to see what they are saying. sometimes i will even do certain things to see if anybody notices. anyways...here is an article about email.

Is that really what your email meant to say?

Billions of emails are sent around the globe each day but are their true meanings getting across? Maybe not.
Although emails are quick and easy to send, their lack of facial cues, body language and emotional feedback mean they can be easily misinterpreted.
Kristin Byron, of the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University in New York, believes that many email users could be sending and getting mixed messages in emails.
"A first step toward improving accuracy in emails is to recognize the possibility that we are fallible as both email senders and receivers," said Byron who is an assistant professor of management at the university.
"People make the assumption that emails are very clear but that is just not the case. There are a lot of misunderstandings," she added in an interview.
One of the main points of confusion is that people forget that emotions can be communicated in email. While facial expressions can be easy to read, there aren't the same clear signals in emails.
Misinterpreted emails could be a particular minefield in the workplace with co-workers perceiving emotional content in the email that may not be intended.
Emotions can be expressed in emails through punctuation marks and other techniques but that can confuse the message even more, according to Byron who will report her findings in the journal Academy of Management Review.
"The use of exclamation points, asterisks, or capital letters, the length of the message, even the use of emoticons all can be used or perceived to communicate emotion. Yet these are ambiguous in email communication -- and are often discouraged from use in the workplace -- and therefore may be misinterpreted," she said.
Emoticons are symbols such as smiling faces or characters on keyboards used in emails to show emotion.
To improve email communication and lower the risk of sending the wrong signals Byron suggests email users express themselves clearly and repeat important information they want to convey.
Companies might also consider offering training in the use of emails at work.
"With the increasing reliance on emails in the workplace, understanding how to effectively communicate emotions by email is crucial," Byron added.

Friday, February 09, 2007

how many?

i am sure most people have heard that Anna Nicole Smith died. that is sad, not entirely shocking, but still sad. here is my question...How many people are going to claim they are her daughter's dad?

ok, enough about that. i hope everyone has a great weekend! i think i am going to try and post some more luke pics next week along with a pic from when i was a baby.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Going public

so what is the best way to let people know you have a blog? i don't want to just say, " HEY...check me out." i am kind of afraid that someone would be "offended" by something i say/write. but at the same time, this is me. i am not perfect. my edges aren't all smooth and nice. ok, back to work i go.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"...The guy is a prick yet everyone still likes him. I's like he thinks someone should hold his balls for him..."
- Bryan

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

John Mayer and Kanye West

here is a video of John Mayer and Kanye West...pretty funny.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, just another name for blah

it sucks that it is only Febuary and i already want a vacation. i love it when people say, " oh you would get bored at home if you didn't work." fist off, i am pretty sure i wouldn't get bored. there are so many things i would love to do if i didn't have to work. i would love to work on photography ( just random pictures of life ), play my video games without interuption, read a book, start a couple of projects around the house, and so on.
so instead of getting bored maybe i would miss the people i work with. i don't think so. there are very few people i miss not seeing. i can honestly say there are maybe 2 people at work that i would sort of not really miss. plus i could just meet them for lunch or see them after work.
this is a lot longer than i intended. all i really wanted to say is that i don't like mondays...interesting.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

horrible dreams

last night i had terrible dreams. in my first dream i was the chief of a hospital. i did a good job and everyone was happy, or so i thought. one night i was sitting outside and Aaron comes up to me and starts talking. he was asking weird questions and fnally he told me that the board voted and they thought he would make a better chief than me. i was furrious that they went behind my back and fired me. so i rushed into the hospital and tried to find a "friend" i could trust...nobody. so i finally go home and Jaclyn says that i don't spend enough time with her so she is divorcing me. So we get into a huge argument ( with other people in our house ) and they all agree with her. the dream ended with me in tears walking away. well i woke up, got some water and then went back to sleep and i had dream number two.
i remember that i was at the beach with Jaclyn, Aaron, Kristin, Greg, Bridget and Chris ( i know all these people ). i was the only one that wanted to go play ( even though i don't like the beach that much in real life ) and look at the beach. so i ran around looking at all the cool things and exploring places that were kind of hidden. i found one where you could sit on a sandy cliff and over look the ocean. i ran back to tell everyone about this really cool place. Kristin and Bridget were out playing tag in the drug store and Greg was sleeping ( i don't know where Kim was ) so i Jaclyn ( had Luke with her ) Aaron and Chris all came to look. i sat down on the cliff and showed them how cool it was when Jaclyn handed Luke to me. i had said that it wasn't a good idea but she wouldn't listen. all of a sudden i started to slide toward the edge. i started yelling for them to take Luke but nobody would listen. they thought i was just playing around. finally Aaron said that he would take him so i handed Luke up and Aaron dropped him. as soon as i saw Luke Falling my heart stopped. He fell about 10 feet face first. i immediately jumped down, not caring about myself. everyone else just kind of looked like " oh well ". i was screaming for Chris to come down and look at him but he didn't. i picked Luke up and saw a few cuts and scrapes but nothing serious. He was still breathing, not quite right, but at least he was alive. i rused him back up and finally Chris looked at him. he said Luke was fine and that we just needed to watch and make sure he didn't have a concusion. so i ran to the drug store to find everyone so we could go but i couldn't find them. the dream then switched to me going to play basketball but i couldn't because i was to distraught.
sometimes i hate my imagination.

Friday, February 02, 2007

another week has come and gone

wow, what a busy week. it seemed like every day we had something going on. as much as i love hanging out with friends and doing things, i still need a little down time. this weekend i we might be going up to louisville ( depending on if my lil bro is contagious or not ). well, i better get to work. i promise i will try to post more later today.