what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

if you want to know more about me just ask. don't worry, i won't bite

Saturday, February 03, 2007

horrible dreams

last night i had terrible dreams. in my first dream i was the chief of a hospital. i did a good job and everyone was happy, or so i thought. one night i was sitting outside and Aaron comes up to me and starts talking. he was asking weird questions and fnally he told me that the board voted and they thought he would make a better chief than me. i was furrious that they went behind my back and fired me. so i rushed into the hospital and tried to find a "friend" i could trust...nobody. so i finally go home and Jaclyn says that i don't spend enough time with her so she is divorcing me. So we get into a huge argument ( with other people in our house ) and they all agree with her. the dream ended with me in tears walking away. well i woke up, got some water and then went back to sleep and i had dream number two.
i remember that i was at the beach with Jaclyn, Aaron, Kristin, Greg, Bridget and Chris ( i know all these people ). i was the only one that wanted to go play ( even though i don't like the beach that much in real life ) and look at the beach. so i ran around looking at all the cool things and exploring places that were kind of hidden. i found one where you could sit on a sandy cliff and over look the ocean. i ran back to tell everyone about this really cool place. Kristin and Bridget were out playing tag in the drug store and Greg was sleeping ( i don't know where Kim was ) so i Jaclyn ( had Luke with her ) Aaron and Chris all came to look. i sat down on the cliff and showed them how cool it was when Jaclyn handed Luke to me. i had said that it wasn't a good idea but she wouldn't listen. all of a sudden i started to slide toward the edge. i started yelling for them to take Luke but nobody would listen. they thought i was just playing around. finally Aaron said that he would take him so i handed Luke up and Aaron dropped him. as soon as i saw Luke Falling my heart stopped. He fell about 10 feet face first. i immediately jumped down, not caring about myself. everyone else just kind of looked like " oh well ". i was screaming for Chris to come down and look at him but he didn't. i picked Luke up and saw a few cuts and scrapes but nothing serious. He was still breathing, not quite right, but at least he was alive. i rused him back up and finally Chris looked at him. he said Luke was fine and that we just needed to watch and make sure he didn't have a concusion. so i ran to the drug store to find everyone so we could go but i couldn't find them. the dream then switched to me going to play basketball but i couldn't because i was to distraught.
sometimes i hate my imagination.


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