what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

if you want to know more about me just ask. don't worry, i won't bite

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

list of christmas

1. COLORED OR WHITE LIGHTS? colored. growing up we always had the assorted colored lights. i think that lights of the same color ( white ) usually look better but the other is more fun.

2. REAL OR FAKE TREE? once again growing up we always had a fake tree ( my dad was alergic to the real stuff ). plus that pine smell isn't my favorite

3. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS? not getting to see my family. there is always at least one person a year ( this year it was my dad ) that i don't get to see.

4. WHAT IS THE ONE THING THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE UNDER THE TREE THIS YEAR? The Complete Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. i guess i should of asked for it


6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY DRINK?Hot chocolate with the little marshmallows

7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY SMELL? i don't know if i have one...i do like the fireplace but we never had one during the holidays.

8. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE REINDEER? Blitzen. his name means lightning...must be pretty fast

9. WHAT IS YOUR CHRISTMAS EVE RITUAL? we usually go over to grandmas and eat bar-b-que sandwiches that she makes. then around 9pm we open our presents. we open our presents from santa on christmas day

10. ARE YOU A FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING SHOPPER? nope. but i have found some pretty sweet deals.

11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY FOOD? boiled custard. this is the only thing i can actually get during the holidays. P.S. don't try to drink the jones soda holiday flavors...not that good

12. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT SANTA WASN'T REAL? when your parents don't have a lot of money and your mom is crying saying that she is sorry and sad that santa couldn't get us more, you figure things out.

13. WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE UNDER THE MISTLETOE WITH YOU? my wife jaclyn. i wonder why somebody thought that it would be a good tradition to kiss under a poisionus plant.

14. HAVE YOU BOUGHT ALL YOUR PRESENTS YET? i would guess that most men that are married don't do a lot of the shopping. but i am almost finished buying for me wife ( just have to pick up some small things ).

15. DO YOU SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH A LOT OF FAMILY? on my mom's side i will spend it with about 8-12 people. on my dads side it ranges from 5-20ish. on jac's side it is between 6-9. so no...i don't spend it with a lot of people ( i have small families )

16. DO YOU STILL MAKE SNOWMEN AND SNOW ANGELS? you know i do. what better way to act like a kid than to make a snowman or lay down and make a snow angel.

17. DO YOU STILL HAVE SNOW BALL FIGHTS? whenever i can. just don't aim for the ears..that hurts

18. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MOVIE? The Chrismas Story. "...deck the harr with bounds or hory..."

19. WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE? going to get drunk and smoke...oh wait i mean just hangout with friends

20. WHAT IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE THING YOU'VE GOTTEN FOR CHRISTMAS? maybe my playstaion2. actually my aunt gave me the money to go buy one

21. HOW EARLY DO YOU WAKE UP ON CHRISTMAS MORNING? i still get up somewhere between 5-7am. and usually i won't go into the living room ( the tree is in there) until my mom is up and everyone is ready to open presents ( i want to be suprised ).

22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY GET IN YOUR STOCKING? my grandma gives me desperatly needed boxers and socks. my mom will give me the most random fun stuff. jac's mom will give us candy and usually a little present. my grandma tompkins will always put at least one box of raisins and some other fun stuff. i love those little dried grapes

23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS SONG? little drummer boy. i really like the jars of clay version. i also want to hear a purely acoustic version

24. WHAT DECORATIONS ARE ON YOUR TREE? lights, and random ornaments

25. WERE YOU EVER IN A CHRISTMAS RECITAL? yes. i am trying to block that out of my memory. i think that when i was younger ( before puberty ) i could sing half way decent. anybody that has been around me when i try to sing knows this is not the case now.


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