what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

if you want to know more about me just ask. don't worry, i won't bite

Monday, July 03, 2006

you itch

what a good weekend. friday i played a game called outpost. it is kind of like a giant game of tag with bases and more rules. we played in the park and the boundries were everything but the baseball fields. we started around 7pm and played till 9:45pm. running through the woods in the dark is very dangerous. it is also a good way to walk through plants that you have no idea what they are. for example, i think i got poison ivy ( i was wearing shorts like a fool ). luckily i have itched the crap out of it and it hasn't spread. my body is usually good at resisting poison ivy. maybe i am a mutant ( that would be really cool ). so anyways....that was fun. saturday we went to an outdoor wedding. i could barely feel that it was a cool 101 degrees outside! i had fun though. sunday i took a short nap and played. today i had to go to work. nobody in the computer room wants to be here but we are. i need to put some pictures up here..a little eye candy. later

if you like fireworks, what is your favorite kind? my favorite would have to be jumping jacks. i love lighting one in my hand and throwing it right before it goes off. if you time it right you can really get some distance. i might have to go buy some tonight.


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