what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

if you want to know more about me just ask. don't worry, i won't bite

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

screw you rain

last week we were asked if we could watch a couple's house on the lake. we were invited to "live" there and take care of stuff. so of course we said yes. we were excited because we could swim everyday, get tan, invite friends out ( they said it was ok ) and just a have a fun time. well, we get back in town monday and head out there monday night. it rained a little but that was ok. now it is wednesday and it is still raining! i want to swim! i was really looking forward to this and now it just sucks. it seems like a lot of the things that i really look forward to either don't happen or suck beyond belief. oh well...at least i don't have my head caught in a bear trap :)


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