what was i thinking?

failure is better than never trying

Location: murray, Kentucky, United States

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Monday, March 20, 2006

why should i follow you?

why are movie stars so popular? we do we look up to them so much? is it that they are so much better than us "regular" people? do they know something we don't? i don't think so. i think it is all about confidence. they are so confident in themselves that it makes others confident in them too. i mean just look at paris hilton. what in the world has she done that would deserve praise? nothing. yet girls everywhere want to be her. why? because she is confident.
so now lets go back to bible times. why did people follow jesus? was it because he was smart? i don't think so. there are plenty of smart people in this world that we don't follow. did you anybody follow the local school geek or the tech in the computer room at your work? i don't think so. did people follow him because he was good and sinnless? i don't think so either. "bad" people are way more interesting than good people. was it because he stirred up trouble and was always the underdog? maybe. people tend to root for the guy that doesn't have a chance. jsut look at the NCAA tourny. how many times have you wanted that number 10+ seed to just steamroll that top ranked seed? i think the reason people followed him because he was confident. he knew what he was talking about. he could back up his statements and reasure people that everything was going to be ok. even when he was being crusified people wanted to follow him. the criminal next to him wanted to follow him right then and there. he was confident that he was doing the right thing. but the whole time he wasn't arrogant. he never said that he was better than anyone else. he even washed the feet of his followers. he let little kids sit in his lap. he never told anyone he was better, but everyone knew that he was. i love this about him. Jesus was more of a servent than a leader yet everyone wanted him to be king.

wow...that is a bunch of rambling and bad spelling. hopefully somebody will get something out of that. any comments?


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